Sonoco ThermoSafe Vodnany, Czech Republic Reaches 20 Year Milestone

The plant is strategically located in Central Europe with easy access to serve the Pharmaceuticals, Life Science & Healthcare industries who ship life-saving healthcare products, lab specimens and other temperature sensitive products. A concentration of customers being in Germany, Switzerland, Benelux but also around the world.
The plant has grown significantly in the past several years. This achievement has been made possible by the hard-working, dedicated team in Vodnany.
There have been invesments in the plan to support the growth so the facility now has the capability to produce a wider range of ThermoSafe products across various product categories including gel packs, Phase Change Material (PCM) bottles, pallet shippers, and a vast selection of EPS and PUR (Polyurethane) shippers.
“We couldn’t be happier with the concerted efforts of the Vodnany team. With their energy and addition of manufacturing capabilities, the centrally located Czech Republic plant has had a significant contribution to the overall results of the European business and to the global ThermoSafe business”, says Gary Morgan, General Manager, ThermoSafe Europe.
“Our 20 year journey has been filled with challenges, but together our exceptional team have worked hard so we could have grown into a thriving company that provides high quality goods and service. Our success is reflected in long-standing positive feedback from our customers and business partners. Our experience and tradition allow us to expand the range of new technologies together with new customers. It is a great pride and pleasure to help improve people´s lives all over the world also thanks to cooperation with WHO and Red Cross”, explained Jan Milan, Plant Manager Vodnany, Sonoco ThermoSafe.
On 8th September, there was a celebration at the Vodnany plant to mark the 20th Anniversary. The local Mayor of the town, Mr. Martin Macháč, attended as well as closest business partners. Tours of the plant were given to attendees so they could learn how carefully the special thermal packaging is made piece by piece.
Sonoco ThermoSafe looks forward to continued growth at the Vodnany plant to service the region, Europe and beyond.